Thursday, January 27, 2011


I'm not sure I can ever remember quite this much snow.  We are having one heck of a time figuring out a place to put it all so we have enough room to wash everyone's car!  I just heard we have already set the record for the most snow in a year and we're not through January yet!

Well, we're doing our best to be open between the snowflakes and help get that salt off your car.  We have a great special going on this week-end with free Salt-X (it's an underbody spray with a salt dissolving solution) with any wash or a 1/2 price Express Detail with any wash.  Good through 1/30/11.

With our 72 hour Clean Car Guarantee, you can rewash your car for any reason for free within 3 days of a full priced wash.  All you need to do is join our Rewards Program.  It's easy to join - FREE - and it gives you other great deals like a free wash on your birthday, 10th wash free, and 30 day discounts.

And with a winter like this beating up your car, you could sure use some help!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

getting snow off your car

Okay, so we get another dump of snow.  And your car is covered with a one foot layer of the stuff.  As you go to clear it off, let me suggest that you avoid using your snow shovel or a broom to do the job.  I can't tell you how many people come to us wondering how the scratches on their roof, hood and trunk got there.  There are a couple of soft surface devices on the market that can do the trick (one is the Sno Brum from for about $20).

Another suggestion is to make sure your car has a coat of wax on it that will help prevent snow and ice from adhering to the surface and protect the car's surface from abrasion.  Our Express Polish service can be done in 20 minutes after your wash for about $30 - a great midwinter tune-up!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Start the year off with a clean car!

I know that there are many of you who would agree that nothing makes you feel better than driving a clean car.  With all the snow we had last week and with all the salt they put out, getting your car clean is even more important. 

Our sites have a great product called "Salt-X" which is a chemical sprayed on the underbody of your car, which dissolves salt.  We've tested it with iron nails in water - with and without Salt-X added.  After a week, the one nail was completed coated with rust while the "Salt-X nail" is perfect.  Try it the next time you stop by!